Stockholm is the main city with 1.515 million inhabitants. Purchasing Power: The GDP per capita PPP is USD 55,814, according to the latest World Bank
This is a list of Swedish Counties by GDP and GDP per capita. The equivalent countries which 1, Stockholm, 1,340,350, 149,771, Dominican Republic.
Whitmarsh Den ekonomiska tillväxten i termer av regional BNP (GDP) beräknas öka. Joakim Palme, of Stockholm University's Institute for Social Research (SOFI) Among 24 developed countries Sweden ranked seventh in terms of GDP per capita In 1995, Swedes consumed a per capita average of 5.3 litres of alcohol and. verksamhet. Rapporten visar att det går fortsatt bra för Stockholm.
GDP per capita (US$) Country's gross domestic product divided by population. Data in current US dollars. Many of you wanted a GDP Per Capita comparison between all countries/regions so here it is! This is the IMF data on nominal GDP per capita for year 2019. Not GDP per capita (current LCU) GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2017 international $) GDP per capita (current US$) Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %) Oil rents (% of GDP) Download. CSV XML EXCEL.
Sweden - Sweden - Economy: Sweden’s per capita gross national product (GNP) is among the highest in the world, but so are its taxes. Most enterprises are privately owned and market-oriented, but when transfer payments—such as pensions, sick pay, and child allowances—are included, roughly three-fifths of gross domestic product (GDP) passes through the public sector.
Purchasing Power: The GDP per capita PPP is USD 55,814, according to the latest World Bank 21 dec. 2020 — Region, SEK per inhabitant, Index Sweden=100. Stockholm County, 657, 138.
Luxembourg is the top country by GDP per capita in the world. As of 2020, GDP per capita in Luxembourg was 109,602 US dollars. The top 5 countries also includes Switzerland, Ireland, Norway, and the United States of America. GDP per capita is gross domestic product divided by midyear population. GDP is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes
Data in current US dollars. GDP per capita (US$) Stockholm: 51,845: 2016: This is a list of country subdivisions by gross domestic product (nominal) per capita in the world, ordered by GDP per capita (from 2008). Entries are limited to those entities exceeding 50,000 U.S. dollars. Those subdivisions which are the largest (in GDP per capita terms) in their respective countries are shown in bold. Sweden's gross domestic product shrank by 0.2 percent from the previous quarter in the three months to December 2020, revised down from a 0.5 percent expansion previously estimated. Household consumption declined by 0.8 percent, amid lower housing expenses a fall in consumption of hotel and restaurant services, while government spending was unchanged and fixed investment edged up 0.1 percent For example, if you would use GRP per capita numbers for Stockholm from 2015 with the USD/SEK exchange rate at end of year 2015 then you'd get about 73000 USD per capita, and Jämtland would be at ca 40000.
Gross domestic product (GDP), US dollars/capita, 2020. 53 719 US$ per capita. Projected growth rate: % Debt. Household debt, % of net disposable income, 2019
GRDP per capita: Stockholm County, Västra Götaland County and Norrbotten County above national average The highest GRDP per capita, SEK 630 000, was in Stockholm County, which means it was above the national average of SEK 459 000. In 2016, Sweden's GDP per capita PPP was estimated at $50,000 while the nominal GDP per capita stood at $51,000.
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Teleport Cities Stockholm is one of the top ten city matches for 1.2% of Teleport users. Map GDP per capita (in USD).
Teleport Cities Stockholm is one of the top ten city matches for 1.2% of Teleport users. Map GDP per capita (in USD). nutrition and the growth rate of GDP per capita, as should be clear from the following slide, which plots DES per capita against the growth rate of GDP per capita. Per capita GDP annual average growth in OECD metro-regions, 1995-2008.
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The highest GRDP per capita had Stockholm County with SEK 610,000 and was thus above the national average of SEK 429,000. Västra Götaland County was also above the national average with 434,000 SEK.
Rodney Edvinsson, ”Swedish GDP 1620–1800: stagnation or growth capita Household income per capita Ranking Ranking Indelning : län GDP in 94 18 94 Stockholm Göteborg och Bohus Halland Västernorrland Kronoberg In 2018, GDP in Stockholm was at €145.7bn (which is lower than last year), corresponding to 30.9% of the national GDP (Eurostat, 2020). The regional GDP can also be expressed as a GDP per capita in purchasing power standards (PPS) of 50,500, above the national average (37,300) and the EU average (31,000). Rank County GDP per capita in SEK GDP per capita in USD (PPP) Equivalent country; 1 The GDP per Capita in Sweden is equivalent to 459 percent of the world's average. source: World Bank.
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av R Edvinsson · 2021 — Stockholm Housing prices, deflated by the CPI and the GDP per capita, 1818–2018, 1818 = 100. Source: Our data and Söderberg et al.
23 jan. 2020 — The quite but diligent work in the last 40 years paid off well. Changzhou's GDP reached over 107,8 billion US Dollars and the GDP per Capital Stockholm stands out as the city with the most unicorns per capita in the world and the country experienced a deep banking crisis, in which the GDP dropped. Men in the Stockholm and Göteborg regions were taller and we find no and the real wage in manufacturing and the regional GDP per capita respectively. 19 aug. 2019 — 2018 Stockholm had one of the world's … … highest GRP/capita. … highest In 2018, Sweden's GDP is estimated to have grown by 2.3 percent, and The target for the number of children per group was met for the city as a BRP per capita med i genomsnitt 4,9 procent per år (SCB, Stockholm Business away from a simple accounting of the jobs and GDP supported by airport.
Orgut Consulting AB, Stockholm, assisted CMI in the early design and later in contacting a number two-thirds of its GDP). During his 1968 equivalent to 1 kg per capita, only just above Burma (0.9) and Bangladesh (0.5). Dao Nguyen and
3.904. 3.842. 4.857.
Income per person (i.e. GDP per capita) has been updated to 2007.